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// TI File $Revision: /main/2 $
// Checkin $Date: March 1, 2007 15:57:02 $
// FILE: DSP2833x_Sci.h
// TITLE: DSP2833x Device SCI Register Definitions.
// $TI Release: DSP2833x/DSP2823x Header Files V1.20 $
// $Release Date: August 1, 2008 $
#ifndef DSP2833x_SCI_H
#define DSP2833x_SCI_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// SCI Individual Register Bit Definitions
// SCICCR communication control register bit definitions:
struct SCICCR_BITS { // bit description
Uint16 SCICHAR:3; // 2:0 Character length control
Uint16 ADDRIDLE_MODE:1; // 3 ADDR/IDLE Mode control
Uint16 LOOPBKENA:1; // 4 Loop Back enable
Uint16 PARITYENA:1; // 5 Parity enable
Uint16 PARITY:1; // 6 Even or Odd Parity
Uint16 STOPBITS:1; // 7 Number of Stop Bits
Uint16 rsvd1:8; // 15:8 reserved
union SCICCR_REG {
Uint16 all;
struct SCICCR_BITS bit;
// SCICTL1 control register 1 bit definitions:
struct SCICTL1_BITS { // bit description
Uint16 RXENA:1; // 0 SCI receiver enable
Uint16 TXENA:1; // 1 SCI transmitter enable
Uint16 SLEEP:1; // 2 SCI sleep
Uint16 TXWAKE:1; // 3 Transmitter wakeup method
Uint16 rsvd:1; // 4 reserved
Uint16 SWRESET:1; // 5 Software reset
Uint16 RXERRINTENA:1; // 6 Recieve interrupt enable
Uint16 rsvd1:9; // 15:7 reserved
union SCICTL1_REG {
Uint16 all;
struct SCICTL1_BITS bit;
// SCICTL2 control register 2 bit definitions:
struct SCICTL2_BITS { // bit description
Uint16 TXINTENA:1; // 0 Transmit interrupt enable
Uint16 RXBKINTENA:1; // 1 Receiver-buffer break enable
Uint16 rsvd:4; // 5:2 reserved
Uint16 TXEMPTY:1; // 6 Transmitter empty flag
Uint16 TXRDY:1; // 7 Transmitter ready flag
Uint16 rsvd1:8; // 15:8 reserved
union SCICTL2_REG {
Uint16 all;
struct SCICTL2_BITS bit;
// SCIRXST Receiver status register bit definitions:
struct SCIRXST_BITS { // bit description
Uint16 rsvd:1; // 0 reserved
Uint16 RXWAKE:1; // 1 Receiver wakeup detect flag
Uint16 PE:1; // 2 Parity error flag
Uint16 OE:1; // 3 Overrun error flag
Uint16 FE:1; // 4 Framing error flag
Uint16 BRKDT:1; // 5 Break-detect flag
Uint16 RXRDY:1; // 6 Receiver ready flag
Uint16 RXERROR:1; // 7 Receiver error flag
Uint16 all;
struct SCIRXST_BITS bit;
// SCIRXBUF Receiver Data Buffer with FIFO bit definitions:
struct SCIRXBUF_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 RXDT:8; // 7:0 Receive word
Uint16 rsvd:6; // 13:8 reserved
Uint16 SCIFFPE:1; // 14 SCI PE error in FIFO mode
Uint16 SCIFFFE:1; // 15 SCI FE error in FIFO mode
Uint16 all;
struct SCIRXBUF_BITS bit;
// SCIPRI Priority control register bit definitions:
struct SCIPRI_BITS { // bit description
Uint16 rsvd:3; // 2:0 reserved
Uint16 FREE:1; // 3 Free emulation suspend mode
Uint16 SOFT:1; // 4 Soft emulation suspend mode
Uint16 rsvd1:3; // 7:5 reserved
union SCIPRI_REG {
Uint16 all;
struct SCIPRI_BITS bit;
// SCI FIFO Transmit register bit definitions:
struct SCIFFTX_BITS { // bit description
Uint16 TXFFIL:5; // 4:0 Interrupt level
Uint16 TXFFIENA:1; // 5 Interrupt enable
Uint16 TXFFINTCLR:1; // 6 Clear INT flag
Uint16 TXFFINT:1; // 7 INT flag
Uint16 TXFFST:5; // 12:8 FIFO status
Uint16 TXFIFOXRESET:1; // 13 FIFO reset
Uint16 SCIFFENA:1; // 14 Enhancement enable
Uint16 SCIRST:1; // 15 SCI reset rx/tx channels
Uint16 all;
struct SCIFFTX_BITS bit;
// SCI FIFO recieve register bit definitions:
struct SCIFFRX_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 RXFFIL:5; // 4:0 Interrupt level
Uint16 RXFFIENA:1; // 5 Interrupt enable
Uint16 RXFFINTCLR:1; // 6 Clear INT flag
Uint16 RXFFINT:1; // 7 INT flag
Uint16 RXFFST:5; // 12:8 FIFO status
Uint16 RXFIFORESET:1; // 13 FIFO reset
Uint16 RXFFOVRCLR:1; // 14 Clear overflow
Uint16 RXFFOVF:1; // 15 FIFO overflow
Uint16 all;
struct SCIFFRX_BITS bit;
// SCI FIFO control register bit definitions:
struct SCIFFCT_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 FFTXDLY:8; // 7:0 FIFO transmit delay
Uint16 rsvd:5; // 12:8 reserved
Uint16 CDC:1; // 13 Auto baud mode enable
Uint16 ABDCLR:1; // 14 Auto baud clear
Uint16 ABD:1; // 15 Auto baud detect
Uint16 all;
struct SCIFFCT_BITS bit;
// SCI Register File:
struct SCI_REGS {
union SCICCR_REG SCICCR; // Communications control register
union SCICTL1_REG SCICTL1; // Control register 1
Uint16 SCIHBAUD; // Baud rate (high) register
Uint16 SCILBAUD; // Baud rate (low) register
union SCICTL2_REG SCICTL2; // Control register 2
union SCIRXST_REG SCIRXST; // Recieve status register
Uint16 SCIRXEMU; // Recieve emulation buffer register
union SCIRXBUF_REG SCIRXBUF; // Recieve data buffer
Uint16 rsvd1; // reserved
Uint16 SCITXBUF; // Transmit data buffer
union SCIFFTX_REG SCIFFTX; // FIFO transmit register
union SCIFFRX_REG SCIFFRX; // FIFO recieve register
union SCIFFCT_REG SCIFFCT; // FIFO control register
Uint16 rsvd2; // reserved
Uint16 rsvd3; // reserved
union SCIPRI_REG SCIPRI; // FIFO Priority control
// SCI External References & Function Declarations:
extern volatile struct SCI_REGS SciaRegs;
extern volatile struct SCI_REGS ScibRegs;
extern volatile struct SCI_REGS ScicRegs;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* extern "C" */
#endif // end of DSP2833x_SCI_H definition
// End of file.