/*! Copyright 2017 АО "НИИЭТ" и ООО "НПФ ВЕКТОР" Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. \file cood2.h \brief Объявляет некоторые служебные переменные, соторые должны быть определены в cood2.c \author ООО "НПФ Вектор". http://motorcontrol.ru \version v 1.0 2017_01_25 @{ */ #include "DSP.h" //******************************************************************************************************** //глобальные переменные 1-го CAN-а extern int16 const CO1_OD_TBL1[]; extern Uint16 const CO1_OD_TBL2[]; extern long const CO1_OD_TBL3[]; extern Uint16 const CO1_TYPE_DEF_TABLE[]; extern long const CO1_OD_CALLBACK_TBL[]; extern Uint16 const co1_first1000; extern Uint16 const co1_first2000; extern Uint16 const co1_first3000; extern Uint16 const co1_first4000; extern Uint16 const co1_first5000; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange1rw; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange1rwCRC; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange1rwp; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange1rwpCRC; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange1rwps; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange1rwpsCRC; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange2rw; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange2rwCRC; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange2rwp; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange2rwpCRC; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange2rwps; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange2rwpsCRC; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange3rw; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange3rwCRC; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange3rwp; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange3rwpCRC; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange3rwps; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange3rwpsCRC; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange4rw; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange4rwCRC; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange4rwp; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange4rwpCRC; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange4rwps; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange4rwpsCRC; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange5rw; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange5rwCRC; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange5rwp; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange5rwpCRC; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange5rwps; extern Uint16 const co1_SPIrange5rwpsCRC; extern Uint16 const co1_numOfInd; /*@}*/