950 lines
28 KiB
950 lines
28 KiB
// Copyright (C) 1991-2013 Altera Corporation
// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
// and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
// functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
// (including device programming or simulation files), and any
// associated documentation or information are expressly subject
// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
// Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
// Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
// without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
// programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
// Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
// applicable agreement for further details.
// Device: Altera EP3C25Q240C8 Package PQFP240
// This file contains Fast Corner delays for the design using part EP3C25Q240C8,
// with speed grade M, core voltage 1.2V, and temperature 0 Celsius
// This SDF file should be used for ModelSim-Altera (VHDL) only
(DESIGN "MainController")
(DATE "03/12/2024 16:24:29")
(VENDOR "Altera")
(PROGRAM "Quartus II 64-Bit")
(VERSION "Version 13.1.0 Build 162 10/23/2013 SJ Full Version")
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_io_obuf")
(INSTANCE \\FPGA_LED_1\~output\\)
(PORT i (677:677:677) (604:604:604))
(IOPATH i o (1309:1309:1309) (1354:1354:1354))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_io_ibuf")
(INSTANCE \\FPGA_CLK\~input\\)
(IOPATH i o (320:320:320) (873:873:873))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_clkctrl")
(INSTANCE \\FPGA_CLK\~inputclkctrl\\)
(PORT inclk[0] (91:91:91) (78:78:78))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[0\]\~24\\)
(PORT dataa (211:211:211) (266:266:266))
(IOPATH dataa combout (186:186:186) (180:180:180))
(IOPATH dataa cout (226:226:226) (171:171:171))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[0\]\\)
(PORT clk (918:918:918) (925:925:925))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (612:612:612) (611:611:611))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[1\]\~26\\)
(PORT datab (212:212:212) (265:265:265))
(IOPATH datab combout (166:166:166) (176:176:176))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[1\]\\)
(PORT clk (918:918:918) (925:925:925))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (612:612:612) (611:611:611))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[2\]\~28\\)
(PORT datab (209:209:209) (265:265:265))
(IOPATH datab combout (192:192:192) (177:177:177))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[2\]\\)
(PORT clk (918:918:918) (925:925:925))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (612:612:612) (611:611:611))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[3\]\~30\\)
(PORT datab (134:134:134) (184:184:184))
(IOPATH datab combout (166:166:166) (176:176:176))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[3\]\\)
(PORT clk (1115:1115:1115) (1150:1150:1150))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (612:612:612) (611:611:611))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[4\]\~32\\)
(PORT dataa (217:217:217) (273:273:273))
(IOPATH dataa combout (186:186:186) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH dataa cout (226:226:226) (171:171:171))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[4\]\\)
(PORT clk (918:918:918) (925:925:925))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (612:612:612) (611:611:611))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[5\]\~34\\)
(PORT datab (134:134:134) (185:185:185))
(IOPATH datab combout (166:166:166) (176:176:176))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[5\]\\)
(PORT clk (918:918:918) (925:925:925))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (612:612:612) (611:611:611))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[6\]\~36\\)
(PORT datab (134:134:134) (184:184:184))
(IOPATH datab combout (192:192:192) (177:177:177))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[6\]\\)
(PORT clk (1115:1115:1115) (1150:1150:1150))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (612:612:612) (611:611:611))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[7\]\~38\\)
(PORT datab (211:211:211) (265:265:265))
(IOPATH datab combout (166:166:166) (176:176:176))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[7\]\\)
(PORT clk (918:918:918) (925:925:925))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (612:612:612) (611:611:611))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[8\]\~40\\)
(PORT datab (134:134:134) (183:183:183))
(IOPATH datab combout (192:192:192) (177:177:177))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[8\]\\)
(PORT clk (918:918:918) (925:925:925))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (612:612:612) (611:611:611))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[9\]\~42\\)
(PORT dataa (135:135:135) (187:187:187))
(IOPATH dataa combout (165:165:165) (173:173:173))
(IOPATH dataa cout (226:226:226) (171:171:171))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[9\]\\)
(PORT clk (918:918:918) (925:925:925))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (612:612:612) (611:611:611))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[10\]\~44\\)
(PORT datab (133:133:133) (182:182:182))
(IOPATH datab combout (192:192:192) (177:177:177))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[10\]\\)
(PORT clk (1115:1115:1115) (1150:1150:1150))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (612:612:612) (611:611:611))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[11\]\~46\\)
(PORT dataa (134:134:134) (187:187:187))
(IOPATH dataa combout (165:165:165) (173:173:173))
(IOPATH dataa cout (226:226:226) (171:171:171))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[11\]\\)
(PORT clk (1115:1115:1115) (1150:1150:1150))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (612:612:612) (611:611:611))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[12\]\~48\\)
(PORT datab (133:133:133) (183:183:183))
(IOPATH datab combout (192:192:192) (177:177:177))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[12\]\\)
(PORT clk (1115:1115:1115) (1151:1151:1151))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (348:348:348) (372:372:372))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[13\]\~50\\)
(PORT datab (141:141:141) (189:189:189))
(IOPATH datab combout (166:166:166) (176:176:176))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[13\]\\)
(PORT clk (1115:1115:1115) (1151:1151:1151))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (348:348:348) (372:372:372))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[14\]\~52\\)
(PORT datab (141:141:141) (189:189:189))
(IOPATH datab combout (192:192:192) (177:177:177))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[14\]\\)
(PORT clk (1115:1115:1115) (1151:1151:1151))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (348:348:348) (372:372:372))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[15\]\~54\\)
(PORT dataa (147:147:147) (199:199:199))
(IOPATH dataa combout (165:165:165) (173:173:173))
(IOPATH dataa cout (226:226:226) (171:171:171))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[15\]\\)
(PORT clk (917:917:917) (925:925:925))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (348:348:348) (372:372:372))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[16\]\~56\\)
(PORT datab (142:142:142) (189:189:189))
(IOPATH datab combout (192:192:192) (177:177:177))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[16\]\\)
(PORT clk (917:917:917) (925:925:925))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (348:348:348) (372:372:372))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[17\]\~58\\)
(PORT dataa (143:143:143) (194:194:194))
(IOPATH dataa combout (165:165:165) (173:173:173))
(IOPATH dataa cout (226:226:226) (171:171:171))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[17\]\\)
(PORT clk (917:917:917) (925:925:925))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (348:348:348) (372:372:372))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|LessThan0\~0\\)
(PORT dataa (331:331:331) (397:397:397))
(PORT datab (233:233:233) (291:291:291))
(PORT datac (200:200:200) (249:249:249))
(PORT datad (212:212:212) (260:260:260))
(IOPATH dataa combout (158:158:158) (157:157:157))
(IOPATH datab combout (160:160:160) (156:156:156))
(IOPATH datac combout (120:120:120) (125:125:125))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[18\]\~60\\)
(PORT dataa (136:136:136) (190:190:190))
(IOPATH dataa combout (186:186:186) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH dataa cout (226:226:226) (171:171:171))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[18\]\\)
(PORT clk (917:917:917) (925:925:925))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (348:348:348) (372:372:372))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[19\]\~62\\)
(PORT datab (135:135:135) (185:185:185))
(IOPATH datab combout (166:166:166) (176:176:176))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[19\]\\)
(PORT clk (1115:1115:1115) (1151:1151:1151))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (348:348:348) (372:372:372))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[20\]\~64\\)
(PORT datab (135:135:135) (185:185:185))
(IOPATH datab combout (192:192:192) (177:177:177))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[20\]\\)
(PORT clk (1115:1115:1115) (1151:1151:1151))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (348:348:348) (372:372:372))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[21\]\~66\\)
(PORT datab (135:135:135) (185:185:185))
(IOPATH datab combout (166:166:166) (176:176:176))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[21\]\\)
(PORT clk (1115:1115:1115) (1151:1151:1151))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (348:348:348) (372:372:372))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[22\]\~68\\)
(PORT datab (135:135:135) (186:186:186))
(IOPATH datab combout (192:192:192) (177:177:177))
(IOPATH datab cout (227:227:227) (175:175:175))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(IOPATH cin cout (34:34:34) (34:34:34))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[22\]\\)
(PORT clk (1115:1115:1115) (1151:1151:1151))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (348:348:348) (372:372:372))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[23\]\~70\\)
(PORT dataa (303:303:303) (368:368:368))
(IOPATH dataa combout (195:195:195) (203:203:203))
(IOPATH cin combout (187:187:187) (204:204:204))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|counter\[23\]\\)
(PORT clk (1115:1115:1115) (1151:1151:1151))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(PORT sclr (348:348:348) (372:372:372))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(HOLD sclr (posedge clk) (84:84:84))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|LessThan0\~1\\)
(PORT dataa (138:138:138) (190:190:190))
(PORT datab (135:135:135) (184:184:184))
(PORT datac (122:122:122) (164:164:164))
(PORT datad (122:122:122) (160:160:160))
(IOPATH dataa combout (158:158:158) (157:157:157))
(IOPATH datab combout (160:160:160) (156:156:156))
(IOPATH datac combout (119:119:119) (125:125:125))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|LessThan0\~2\\)
(PORT datab (135:135:135) (184:184:184))
(PORT datac (289:289:289) (344:344:344))
(PORT datad (90:90:90) (107:107:107))
(IOPATH datab combout (160:160:160) (156:156:156))
(IOPATH datac combout (120:120:120) (124:124:124))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|LessThan0\~5\\)
(PORT dataa (138:138:138) (190:190:190))
(PORT datab (137:137:137) (186:186:186))
(PORT datac (130:130:130) (170:170:170))
(PORT datad (124:124:124) (162:162:162))
(IOPATH dataa combout (158:158:158) (157:157:157))
(IOPATH datab combout (160:160:160) (156:156:156))
(IOPATH datac combout (120:120:120) (124:124:124))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|LessThan0\~3\\)
(PORT dataa (143:143:143) (193:193:193))
(PORT datab (143:143:143) (192:192:192))
(PORT datac (128:128:128) (168:168:168))
(PORT datad (129:129:129) (165:165:165))
(IOPATH dataa combout (158:158:158) (157:157:157))
(IOPATH datab combout (160:160:160) (156:156:156))
(IOPATH datac combout (119:119:119) (125:125:125))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|LessThan0\~4\\)
(PORT dataa (218:218:218) (274:274:274))
(PORT datab (135:135:135) (185:185:185))
(PORT datac (121:121:121) (164:164:164))
(PORT datad (90:90:90) (107:107:107))
(IOPATH dataa combout (158:158:158) (157:157:157))
(IOPATH datab combout (160:160:160) (156:156:156))
(IOPATH datac combout (120:120:120) (124:124:124))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|LessThan0\~6\\)
(PORT dataa (139:139:139) (193:193:193))
(PORT datab (137:137:137) (188:188:188))
(PORT datac (89:89:89) (109:109:109))
(PORT datad (90:90:90) (106:106:106))
(IOPATH dataa combout (158:158:158) (157:157:157))
(IOPATH datab combout (160:160:160) (156:156:156))
(IOPATH datac combout (119:119:119) (124:124:124))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|LessThan0\~7\\)
(PORT dataa (218:218:218) (278:278:278))
(PORT datab (138:138:138) (189:189:189))
(PORT datac (203:203:203) (249:249:249))
(PORT datad (301:301:301) (355:355:355))
(IOPATH dataa combout (170:170:170) (163:163:163))
(IOPATH datab combout (168:168:168) (167:167:167))
(IOPATH datac combout (119:119:119) (124:124:124))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|LessThan0\~8\\)
(PORT dataa (151:151:151) (205:205:205))
(PORT datab (185:185:185) (222:222:222))
(PORT datac (88:88:88) (110:110:110))
(PORT datad (89:89:89) (106:106:106))
(IOPATH dataa combout (158:158:158) (157:157:157))
(IOPATH datab combout (168:168:168) (167:167:167))
(IOPATH datac combout (119:119:119) (124:124:124))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "cycloneiii_lcell_comb")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|ledBuf\~0\\)
(PORT datad (274:274:274) (308:308:308))
(IOPATH datac combout (190:190:190) (195:195:195))
(IOPATH datad combout (68:68:68) (63:63:63))
(CELLTYPE "dffeas")
(INSTANCE \\inst2\|ledBuf\\)
(PORT clk (1115:1115:1115) (1152:1152:1152))
(PORT d (37:37:37) (50:50:50))
(IOPATH (posedge clk) q (105:105:105) (105:105:105))
(HOLD d (posedge clk) (84:84:84))