127 lines
4.8 KiB
127 lines
4.8 KiB
#define MAX_WAIT_ERROR_PARALLEL_BUS 3 // ìàêñ. êîë-âî îæèäàíèß ÷òåíèß ñ øèíû
typedef union {
unsigned int all;
struct {
unsigned int started:1;
unsigned int error:1;
unsigned int cmd_start:1;
unsigned int count_error:4;
unsigned int slave_addr_error:4;
unsigned int init:1;
unsigned int was_started:1;
unsigned int rezerv:3;
} bit;
typedef struct {
unsigned int setup_error_count_read; // íàñòðîéêà ìàêñ êîë-âà ïîïûòîê ÷òåíèé ñ øèíû äî âîçíèêíîâåíèß îøèáêè
int size_table; // êîë-âî äàííûõ â îáìåíå (ñ÷èòàåòñß àâòîìàòè÷åñêè ïðè âûçîâå ôóíêöèè add_table
unsigned int tms_adr_data_finish; //êîíå÷íûé àäðåñ â ïàìßòè TMS äëß ïîëó÷åíèß äàííûõ ñ øèíû , äîëæåí áûòü ñâîáîäåí îò ñïåö ðåãèñòðîâ
unsigned int tms_adr_data_start; // íà÷àëüíûé àäðåñ â ïàìßòè TMS äëß ïîëó÷åíèß äàííûõ ñ øèíû, äîëæåí áûòü ñâîáîäåí îò ñïåö ðåãèñòðîâ
int free_table; // êîë-âî ñâîáîäíûç äàííûõ â òàáëèöå
typedef struct { X_PARALLEL_BUS_flags flags; // ôëàãè
X_PARALLEL_BUS_Setup setup; // íàñòðîéêà
unsigned int slave_addr; // íîìåð ïåðèô.ïëàòû
unsigned int reg_addr; // àäðåñ âíóòðåííåãî ðåãèñòðà äëß ïàðàë. øèíû â ïåðèô.ïëàòå
unsigned int error_count_start; // îáùåå êîëè÷-âî îøèáîê çàïóñêà øèíû
unsigned int count_read; // îáùåå êîëè÷-âî ÷òåíèß øèíû
unsigned int adr_table_read; // íîìåð èç òàáëèöû äëß ÷òåíèß = 0 _ (size_table-1) ,
// adr_table_read + tms_adr_data_start
unsigned int data_table_read; // ïðî÷èòàííûé áàéò èç parallel bus,
// unsigned int error_count_write; // îáùåå êîëè÷-âî îøèáîê çàïèñè
// unsigned int error_count_hold; // îáùåå êîëè÷-âî îøèáîê çàõâàòà øèíû
void (*clear_table)(); // Pointer to read function
void (*add_table)(); // Pointer to read function
void (*start)(); // Pointer to read function
void (*stop)(); // Pointer to read function
void (*restart)(); // Pointer to read function
void (*init)(); // Pointer to init function
void (*read_status)(); // Pointer to init function
void (*read_one_data)(); // Pointer to init function
int (*check_free_table)(); // Pointer to init function
// òàéìàóò îæèäàíèß âûïîëåíèß êîìàíäû
#define TIME_OUT_SERIAL_BUS 10000 // max 65535
#define CMD_SERIAL_BUS_READ 0x0000
#define CMD_SERIAL_BUS_WRITE 0x8000
0, \
0, \
0, \
0, \
0, \
0, \
(void (*)(Uint32))x_parallel_bus_clear_table,\
(void (*)(Uint32))x_parallel_bus_add_table,\
(void (*)(Uint32))x_parallel_bus_start,\
(void (*)(Uint32))x_parallel_bus_stop,\
(void (*)(Uint32))x_parallel_bus_restart,\
(void (*)(Uint32))x_parallel_bus_init,\
(void (*)(Uint32))x_parallel_bus_read_status,\
(void (*)(Uint32))x_parallel_bus_read_one_data,\
(int (*)(Uint32))x_parallel_bus_check_free_table\
void x_parallel_bus_clear_table(X_PARALLEL_BUS_handle);
void x_parallel_bus_add_table(X_PARALLEL_BUS_handle);
void x_parallel_bus_start(X_PARALLEL_BUS_handle);
void x_parallel_bus_stop(X_PARALLEL_BUS_handle);
void x_parallel_bus_restart(X_PARALLEL_BUS_handle);
void x_parallel_bus_init(X_PARALLEL_BUS_handle);
void x_parallel_bus_read_status(X_PARALLEL_BUS_handle);
void x_parallel_bus_read_one_data(X_PARALLEL_BUS_handle);
int x_parallel_bus_check_free_table(X_PARALLEL_BUS_handle);
extern X_PARALLEL_BUS x_parallel_bus_project;
#define read_pbus_value(bit,adr,res) {if (bit) res = i_ReadMemory(adr++); else res = 0; }
#define read_pbus_value_full(bit,adr,res) {res = i_ReadMemory(adr++); }
#define read_pbus_adc_value(bit,adr,res) {if (bit) res = i_ReadMemory(adr++) & 0xfff; else res = 0; }
#define read_pbus_adc_value_full(bit,adr,res) {res = i_ReadMemory(adr++) & 0xfff; }
// ver 2
#define read_pbus_value_v2(bit,adr,res) {if (bit) { res = i_ReadMemory(adr); i_WriteMemory(adr++,0x0); } else res = 0; }
#define read_pbus_value_full_v2(bit,adr,res) {res = i_ReadMemory(adr); i_WriteMemory(adr++,0x0); }
#define read_pbus_adc_value_v2(bit,adr,res) {if (bit) { res = i_ReadMemory(adr) & 0xfff; i_WriteMemory(adr++,0x0);} else res = 0; }
#define read_pbus_adc_value_full_v2(bit,adr,res) {res = i_ReadMemory(adr) & 0xfff; i_WriteMemory(adr++,0x0); }
#endif // end _X_PARALLEL_BUS_H