#include "DSP281x_Examples.h" // DSP281x Examples Include File #include "DSP281x_SWPrioritizedIsrLevels.h" // DSP281x Examples Include File #include "DSP281x_Device.h" // DSP281x Headerfile Include File #include <params.h> #include <sync_tools.h> #include <vector.h> #include "big_dsp_module.h" #include "MemoryFunctions.h" #include "Spartan2E_Adr.h" #include "Spartan2E_Functions.h" #include "TuneUpPlane.h" #include "pwm_test_lines.h" #include "xp_write_xpwm_time.h" #include "profile_interrupt.h" #include "edrk_main.h" #define SIZE_SYNC_BUF 20 //#pragma DATA_SECTION(logbuf_sync1,".fa"); unsigned int logbuf_sync1[SIZE_SYNC_BUF]; unsigned int c_logbuf_sync1=0; //unsigned int capnum0; //unsigned int capnum1; //unsigned int capnum2; //unsigned int capnum3; int delta_capnum = 0; int delta_error = 0; //int level_find_sync_zero = LEVEL_FIND_SYNC_ZERO; unsigned int temp; unsigned int count_error_sync = 0; unsigned int count_timeout_sync = 0; //unsigned int enable_profile_led1_sync = 1; //unsigned int enable_profile_led2_sync = 0; SYNC_TOOLS_DATA sync_data=SYNC_TOOLS_DATA_DEFAULT; #pragma CODE_SECTION(calculate_sync_detected,".fast_run2"); void calculate_sync_detected(void) { // if (capnum0 > 1000) { // return; // } // sync_data.level_find_sync_zero = LEVEL_FIND_SYNC_ZERO; delta_capnum = sync_data.capnum0 - sync_data.capnum1; if (delta_capnum > 0) //������ { sync_data.pwm_freq_plus_minus_zero = -1;//1; if (count_error_sync < MAX_COUNT_ERROR_SYNC) { count_error_sync++; count_error_sync++; count_error_sync++; } else sync_data.local_flag_sync_1_2 = 0; } else if (delta_capnum < 0) //����� { if (sync_data.capnum0 > sync_data.level_find_sync_zero) { delta_error = sync_data.capnum0 - sync_data.level_find_sync_zero; if (delta_error > 50) { if (count_error_sync < MAX_COUNT_ERROR_SYNC) { count_error_sync++; count_error_sync++; count_error_sync++; } else sync_data.local_flag_sync_1_2 = 0; } else { if (count_error_sync > 0) { count_error_sync--; } if (count_error_sync == 0) sync_data.local_flag_sync_1_2 = 1; } sync_data.pwm_freq_plus_minus_zero = 1; } else if (sync_data.capnum0 < sync_data.level_find_sync_zero) { delta_error = sync_data.level_find_sync_zero - sync_data.capnum0; if (delta_error > 50) { if (count_error_sync < MAX_COUNT_ERROR_SYNC) { count_error_sync++; count_error_sync++; count_error_sync++; } else sync_data.local_flag_sync_1_2 = 0; } else { if (count_error_sync > 0) { count_error_sync--; } if (count_error_sync == 0) sync_data.local_flag_sync_1_2 = 1; } sync_data.pwm_freq_plus_minus_zero = -1; } else { sync_data.pwm_freq_plus_minus_zero = 0; sync_data.local_flag_sync_1_2 = 1; count_error_sync = 0; } } else sync_data.pwm_freq_plus_minus_zero = 0; sync_data.delta_error_sync = delta_error; sync_data.delta_capnum = sync_data.capnum0 - sync_data.level_find_sync_zero; //delta_capnum; sync_data.count_error_sync = count_error_sync; } #pragma CODE_SECTION(sync_detected,".fast_run2"); void sync_detected(void) { #if(_ENABLE_PWM_LINES_FOR_TESTS_SYNC) PWM_LINES_TK_18_ON; #endif sync_data.latch_interrupt = 1; // stop_sync_interrupt(); // i_led2_on_off(1); // //Enable more interrupts from this capture // EvbRegs.EVBIMRC.bit.CAP6INT = 0; // if (edrk.disable_interrupt_sync==0) // WriteMemory(ADR_SAW_REQUEST, 0x8000); // sync_data.capnum0 = ReadMemory(ADR_SAW_VALUE); // WriteMemory(ADR_SAW_REQUEST, 0x8000); // sync_data.capnum0 = ReadMemory(ADR_SAW_VALUE); // pause_1000(1); WriteMemory(ADR_SAW_REQUEST, 0x8000); sync_data.capnum1 = ReadMemory(ADR_SAW_VALUE); WriteMemory(ADR_SAW_REQUEST, 0x8000); sync_data.capnum1 = ReadMemory(ADR_SAW_VALUE); sync_data.count_timeout_sync = 0; sync_data.timeout_sync_signal = 0; logbuf_sync1[c_logbuf_sync1++] = sync_data.capnum0; // logbuf_sync1[c_logbuf_sync1++] = sync_data.capnum1; if (c_logbuf_sync1==SIZE_SYNC_BUF) c_logbuf_sync1=0; if (sync_data.count_pause_ready < MAX_COUNT_PAUSE_READY) { sync_data.count_pause_ready++; sync_data.count_pause_ready++; } else sync_data.sync_ready = 1; //////////////////////////////////// // calculate_sync_detected(); // sync_data.capnum0 = capnum0; // // stop_sync_interrupt(); // EvbRegs.EVBIFRC.all = BIT2; // // // Acknowledge interrupt to receive more interrupts from PIE group 5 // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP5; // if (edrk.disable_interrupt_sync==0) // { //// //Enable more interrupts from this capture //// EvbRegs.EVBIMRC.bit.CAP6INT = 1; //// //// //use mask to clear EVAIFRA register //// EvbRegs.EVBIFRC.bit.CAP6INT = 1; // } //Enable more interrupts from this capture // EvbRegs.EVBIMRC.bit.CAP6INT = 1; //use mask to clear EVAIFRA register // EvbRegs.EVBIFRC.bit.CAP6INT = 1; // DINT; // PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER5.all = TempPIEIER; // return; // IER &= ~(M_INT5); //Enable more interrupts from this capture // EvbRegs.EVBIMRC.bit.CAP6INT = 1; // Note: To be safe, use a mask value to write to the entire // EVAIFRA register. Writing to one bit will cause a read-modify-write // operation that may have the result of writing 1's to clear // bits other then those intended. //use mask to clear EVAIFRA register // EvbRegs.EVBIFRC.bit.CAP6INT = 1; // EvbRegs.EVBIFRC.all = BIT2; // IER &= ~(M_INT5); // asm(" NOP;"); // i_led2_on_off(0); // start_sync_interrupt(); // EvbRegs.EVBIMRC.bit.CAP6INT = 1; // Clear CAPINT6 interrupt flag // Acknowledge interrupt to receive more interrupts from PIE group 5 // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP5; sync_data.count_interrupts++; #if(_ENABLE_PWM_LINES_FOR_TESTS_SYNC) PWM_LINES_TK_18_OFF; #endif } //static long k_3=50; #pragma CODE_SECTION(Sync_handler,".fast_run2"); interrupt void Sync_handler(void) { // Set interrupt priority: volatile Uint16 TempPIEIER = PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER5.all; IER |= M_INT5; IER &= MINT5; // Set "global" priority PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER5.all &= MG57; // Set "group" priority PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = 0xFFFF; // Enable PIE interrupts WriteMemory(ADR_SAW_REQUEST, 0x8000); sync_data.capnum0 = ReadMemory(ADR_SAW_VALUE); stop_sync_interrupt_local(); // ��������� ����������, �������� �� �� �������, ���� �������� �������� ��� ������ ������. #if (_ENABLE_INTERRUPT_PROFILE_LED1) if (profile_interrupt.for_led1.bits.sync) i_led1_on_off_special(1); #endif #if (_ENABLE_INTERRUPT_PROFILE_LED2) if (profile_interrupt.for_led2.bits.sync) i_led2_on_off_special(1); #endif EINT; // i_led2_on_off(1); // Insert ISR Code here....... sync_detected(); // pause_1000(k_3); // Next line for debug only (remove after inserting ISR Code): //ESTOP0; // i_led2_on_off(0); // Enable more interrupts from this timer // EvbRegs.EVBIMRC.bit.CAP6INT = 1; // Note: To be safe, use a mask value to write to the entire // EVBIFRA register. Writing to one bit will cause a read-modify-write // operation that may have the result of writing 1's to clear // bits other then those intended. EvbRegs.EVBIFRC.all = BIT2; // Acknowledge interrupt to recieve more interrupts from PIE group 5 // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all |= PIEACK_GROUP5; // Restore registers saved: DINT; PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER5.all = TempPIEIER; #if (_ENABLE_INTERRUPT_PROFILE_LED1) if (profile_interrupt.for_led1.bits.sync) i_led1_on_off_special(0); #endif #if (_ENABLE_INTERRUPT_PROFILE_LED2) if (profile_interrupt.for_led2.bits.sync) i_led2_on_off_special(0); #endif } void setup_sync_int(void) { // return; // EALLOW; if (edrk.flag_second_PCH==1) sync_data.level_find_sync_zero = xpwm_time.pwm_tics+5; else sync_data.level_find_sync_zero = LEVEL_FIND_SYNC_ZERO; sync_data.timeout_sync_signal = 0; sync_data.count_timeout_sync = 0; // sync_data.what_main_pch = 1; // ������ �� // sync_data.what_main_pch = 2; // ������ �� sync_data.what_main_pch = 0; // ����� �� ///////////////////////////////////////////// // EvbRegs.EVBIFRC.bit.CAP6INT = 1; //Resets flag EVB Interrupt Flag Register EvbRegs.EVBIFRC.all = BIT2; //Resets flag EVB Interrupt Flag Register EvbRegs.EVBIMRC.bit.CAP6INT = 0; //1 //SET flag EVB Interrupt Mask Register C // CAP6INT ENABLE //0 Disable //1 Enable ///////////////////////////////////////////// EvbRegs.T4PR = 0xFFFF; //Set timer period EvbRegs.T4CNT = 0; // Clear timer counter EvbRegs.T4CON.all = 0; // Disable timer EvbRegs.T4CON.bit.FREE = 1; // FREE/SOFT, 00 = stop immediately on emulator suspend EvbRegs.T4CON.bit.SOFT = 0; EvbRegs.T4CON.bit.TMODE = 2; //TMODEx, 10 = continuous-up count mode EvbRegs.T4CON.bit.TPS = 0; //TPSx, 111 = x/1 prescaler EvbRegs.T4CON.bit.TENABLE = 0; // TENABLE, 1 = enable timer EvbRegs.T4CON.bit.TCLKS10 = 0; //TCLKS, 00 = HSPCLK is clock source EvbRegs.T4CON.bit.TCLD10 = 0; //Timer compare register reload condition, 00 When counter is 0 EvbRegs.T4CON.bit.TECMPR = 1; // TECMPR, 1 = Enable timer compare operation EvbRegs.T4CON.bit.SET3PR = 0; // SELT3PR: 0 - Use own period register //////////////////////////////////////////////////// EvbRegs.CAPCONB.all = 0; // Clear EvbRegs.CAPCONB.bit.CAP6EDGE = 2; //3:2 Edge Detection for Unit 6 //Edge detection control for Capture Unit 6. // 00 No detection // 01 Detects rising edge // 10 Detects falling edge // 11 Detects both edges EvbRegs.CAPCONB.bit.CAP6TSEL = 0; // GP Timer selection for Unit 6 // GP timer selection for Capture Units 4 and 5 // 0 Selects GP timer 4 // 1 Selects GP timer 3 EvbRegs.CAPFIFOB.bit.CAP6FIFO = 0; //CAP6 FIFO status EvbRegs.CAPCONB.bit.CAP6EN = 1; //Enables Capture Unit 6 ///////////////////////////////////////// EALLOW; PieVectTable.CAPINT6 = &Sync_handler; //?CAP????????????????? EDIS; PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER5.bit.INTx7 = 1; } void start_sync_interrupt(void) { EvbRegs.EVBIFRC.all = BIT2; //Resets flag EVB Interrupt Flag Register IER |= M_INT5; // @suppress("Symbol is not resolved") // PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER5.bit.INTx7 = 1; EvbRegs.EVBIMRC.bit.CAP6INT = 1; //SET flag EVB Interrupt Mask Register C // //use mask to clear EVAIFRA register // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all |= PIEACK_GROUP5; sync_data.latch_interrupt = 0; sync_data.enabled_interrupt = 1; } void stop_sync_interrupt(void) { sync_data.latch_interrupt = 0; sync_data.enabled_interrupt = 0; IER &= ~(M_INT5); // @suppress("Symbol is not resolved") // PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER5.bit.INTx7 = 0; EvbRegs.EVBIMRC.bit.CAP6INT = 0; //SET flag EVB Interrupt Mask Register C EvbRegs.EVBIFRC.all = BIT2; //Resets flag EVB Interrupt Flag Register // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all |= PIEACK_GROUP5; } void stop_sync_interrupt_local(void) { sync_data.latch_interrupt = 0; IER &= ~(M_INT5); // @suppress("Symbol is not resolved") EvbRegs.EVBIMRC.bit.CAP6INT = 0; //SET flag EVB Interrupt Mask Register C EvbRegs.EVBIFRC.all = BIT2; //Resets flag EVB Interrupt Flag Register } void setup_sync_line(void) { // output EALLOW; GpioMuxRegs.GPBMUX.bit.TCLKINB_GPIOB12 = 0; GpioMuxRegs.GPBDIR.bit.GPIOB12 = 1; EDIS; //input EALLOW; GpioMuxRegs.GPBMUX.bit.CAP6QI2_GPIOB10 = 1;// Configure as CAP6 // GpioMuxRegs.GPBDIR.bit.GPIOB10 = 1; EDIS; } #pragma CODE_SECTION(sync_inc_error,".fast_run"); void sync_inc_error(void) { if (sync_data.count_pause_ready > 0) { sync_data.count_pause_ready--; } else sync_data.sync_ready = 0; if (sync_data.count_timeout_sync < MAX_COUNT_TIMEOUT_SYNC) { sync_data.count_timeout_sync++; } else { sync_data.timeout_sync_signal = 1; sync_data.count_pause_ready = 0; sync_data.local_flag_sync_1_2 = 0; } if (count_error_sync < MAX_COUNT_ERROR_SYNC) { count_error_sync++; } else sync_data.local_flag_sync_1_2 = 0; } void clear_sync_error(void) { sync_data.count_timeout_sync = 0; sync_data.timeout_sync_signal = 0; } int get_status_sync_line(void) { return !GpioDataRegs.GPBDAT.bit.GPIOB10; } //int index_sync_ar = 0; // // //void write_sync_logs(void) //{ // static int c=0; // return; // //// logbuf1[index_filter_ar]=active_rect1.Id;//EvaRegs.CMPR1;//(active_rect1.pll_Ud);//svgenDQ.Wt; //// logbuf2[index_filter_ar]=active_rect1.Iq;//EvaRegs.CMPR2;//filter.iqU_1_long;// (active_rect1.pll_Uq);//Iq; //// logbuf3[index_filter_ar]=EvaRegs.CMPR1;//active_rect1.SetUzpt;////(active_rect1.Tetta);//abc_to_dq.Ud; // // index_sync_ar++; // if (index_sync_ar>=SIZE_SYNC_BUF) // { // index_sync_ar=0; // c++; // if (c>=10) // c=0; // } // //}