/* ================================================================================== File name: F281XPWM.C Originator: Digital Control Systems Group Texas Instruments Description: This file contains source for the Full Compare PWM drivers for the F281x Target: TMS320F281x family ===================================================================================== History: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04-15-2005 Version 3.20: Using DSP281x v. 1.00 or higher ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "DSP281x_Examples.h" // DSP281x Examples Include File #include "DSP281x_Device.h" // DSP281x Headerfile Include File #include "IQmathLib.h" #include <f281xpwm.h> #include "DSP281x_Ev.h" //#include "params.h" void F281X_EV1_PWM_Init(PWMGEN *p) { EvaRegs.T1PR = p->PeriodMax; // Init Timer 1 period Register EvaRegs.T1CON.all = PWM_INIT_STATE; // Symmetrical Operation EvaRegs.DBTCONA.all = DBTCON_INIT_STATE; // Init DBTCONA Register EvaRegs.ACTRA.all = ACTR_INIT_STATE; // Init ACTRA Register EvaRegs.COMCONA.all = 0xA600; // Init COMCONA Register EvaRegs.CMPR1 = p->PeriodMax; // Init CMPR1 Register EvaRegs.CMPR2 = p->PeriodMax; // Init CMPR2 Register EvaRegs.CMPR3 = p->PeriodMax; // Init CMPR3 Register EALLOW; // Enable EALLOW GpioMuxRegs.GPAMUX.all |= 0x003F; // Setting PWM1-6 as primary output pins EDIS; // Disable EALLOW } void F281X_EV1_PWM_Update(PWMGEN *p) { int16 MPeriod; int32 Tmp; // Compute the timer period (Q0) from the period modulation input (Q15) Tmp = (int32)p->PeriodMax*(int32)p->MfuncPeriod; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 MPeriod = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(p->PeriodMax>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) EvaRegs.T1PR = MPeriod; // Compute the compare 1 (Q0) from the PWM 1&2 duty cycle ratio (Q15) Tmp = (int32)MPeriod*(int32)p->MfuncC1; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 EvaRegs.CMPR1 = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(MPeriod>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) // Compute the compare 2 (Q0) from the PWM 3&4 duty cycle ratio (Q15) Tmp = (int32)MPeriod*(int32)p->MfuncC2; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 EvaRegs.CMPR2 = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(MPeriod>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) // Compute the compare 3 (Q0) from the PWM 5&6 duty cycle ratio (Q15) Tmp = (int32)MPeriod*(int32)p->MfuncC3; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 EvaRegs.CMPR3 = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(MPeriod>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) } void F281X_EV2_PWM_Init(PWMGEN *p) { EvbRegs.T3PR = p->PeriodMax; // Init Timer 1 period Register EvbRegs.T3CON.all = PWM_INIT_STATE; // Symmetrical Operation EvbRegs.DBTCONB.all = DBTCON_INIT_STATE; // Init DBTCONA Register EvbRegs.ACTRB.all = ACTR_INIT_STATE; // Init ACTRA Register EvbRegs.COMCONB.all = 0xA600; // Init COMCONA Register EvbRegs.CMPR4 = p->PeriodMax; // Init CMPR1 Register EvbRegs.CMPR5 = p->PeriodMax; // Init CMPR2 Register EvbRegs.CMPR6 = p->PeriodMax; // Init CMPR3 Register EALLOW; // Enable EALLOW GpioMuxRegs.GPBMUX.all |= 0x003F; // Setting PWM1-6 as primary output pins EDIS; // Disable EALLOW } void F281X_EV2_PWM_Update(PWMGEN *p) { int16 MPeriod; int32 Tmp; // Compute the timer period (Q0) from the period modulation input (Q15) Tmp = (int32)p->PeriodMax*(int32)p->MfuncPeriod; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 MPeriod = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(p->PeriodMax>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) EvbRegs.T3PR = MPeriod; // Compute the compare 1 (Q0) from the PWM 1&2 duty cycle ratio (Q15) Tmp = (int32)MPeriod*(int32)p->MfuncC1; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 EvbRegs.CMPR4 = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(MPeriod>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) // Compute the compare 2 (Q0) from the PWM 3&4 duty cycle ratio (Q15) Tmp = (int32)MPeriod*(int32)p->MfuncC2; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 EvbRegs.CMPR5 = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(MPeriod>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) // Compute the compare 3 (Q0) from the PWM 5&6 duty cycle ratio (Q15) Tmp = (int32)MPeriod*(int32)p->MfuncC3; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 EvbRegs.CMPR6 = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(MPeriod>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) } void F281X_EVD_PWM_Init(PWMGEND *p) { //unsigned int pna=0,pnb=0; EvaRegs.T1PR = p->PeriodMax; // Init Timer 1 period Register #ifdef DOUBLE_UPDATE_PWM EvaRegs.T1CON.all = PWM_INIT_STATE_DOUBLE_UPADTE; // Symmetrical Operation + DOUBLE UPDATE #else EvaRegs.T1CON.all = PWM_INIT_STATE; // Symmetrical Operation #endif EvaRegs.DBTCONA.all = DBTCON_INIT_STATE; // Init DBTCONA Register EvaRegs.ACTRA.all = ACTR_INIT_STATE; // Init ACTRA Register EvaRegs.COMCONA.all = 0xa600;//0xA600; // Init COMCONA Register EvaRegs.CMPR1 = p->PeriodMax; // Init CMPR1 Register EvaRegs.CMPR2 = p->PeriodMax; // Init CMPR2 Register EvaRegs.CMPR3 = p->PeriodMax; // Init CMPR3 Register EALLOW; // Enable EALLOW GpioMuxRegs.GPAMUX.all |= 0x003F; // Setting PWM1-6 as primary output pins EDIS; // Disable EALLOW EvbRegs.T3PR = p->PeriodMax; // Init Timer 1 period Register #ifdef DOUBLE_UPDATE_PWM EvbRegs.T3CON.all = PWM_INIT_STATE_DOUBLE_UPADTE; // Symmetrical Operation + DOUBLE UPDATE #else EvbRegs.T3CON.all = PWM_INIT_STATE; // Symmetrical Operation #endif EvbRegs.DBTCONB.all = DBTCON_INIT_STATE; // Init DBTCONA Register EvbRegs.ACTRB.all = ACTR_INIT_STATE; // Init ACTRA Register EvbRegs.COMCONB.all = 0xa600;//0xA600; // Init COMCONA Register EvbRegs.CMPR4 = p->PeriodMax; // Init CMPR1 Register EvbRegs.CMPR5 = p->PeriodMax; // Init CMPR2 Register EvbRegs.CMPR6 = p->PeriodMax; // Init CMPR3 Register EALLOW; // Enable EALLOW GpioMuxRegs.GPBMUX.all |= 0x003F; // Setting PWM1-6 as primary output pins EDIS; // Disable EALLOW // pna = p->ShiftPhaseA;//(p->PeriodMax); // pnb = p->ShiftPhaseB; EvaRegs.T1CNT = 0x0000; EvbRegs.T3CNT = 0x0000; } #pragma CODE_SECTION(set_predel_dshim,".fast_run"); int16 set_predel_dshim(int16 dshim,int16 dmin,int16 dpwm) { if (dshim < dmin) { dshim = dmin; } if (dshim > (dpwm - dmin) ) { dshim = (dpwm - dmin); } return dshim; } #pragma CODE_SECTION(set_predel_dshim_max,".fast_run"); int16 set_predel_dshim_max(int16 dshim,int16 dmin,int16 dpwm) { int d2; /* if (dshim < dmin) { return 0; } else { if (dshim > (dpwm - dmin) ) { // dshim = (dpwm + 1); return (dpwm + 10); } else return dshim; } */ d2 = dmin/2; if (dshim < d2) { dshim = 0; return dshim; } if (dshim < dmin) { dshim = dmin; return dshim; } if (dshim > (dpwm - d2) ) { dshim = dpwm+dmin; return dshim; } if (dshim > (dpwm - dmin) ) { dshim = (dpwm - dmin); return dshim; } return dshim; } //#pragma CODE_SECTION(F281X_EVD_PWM_Update,".fast_run"); void F281X_EVD_PWM_Update(PWMGEND *p) { int16 MPeriod, Dshim; int32 Tmp; // Compute the timer period (Q0) from the period modulation input (Q15) Tmp = (int32)p->PeriodMax*(int32)p->MfuncPeriod; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 MPeriod = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(p->PeriodMax>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) EvaRegs.T1PR = MPeriod; // Compute the compare 1 (Q0) from the PWM 1&2 duty cycle ratio (Q15) Tmp = (int32)MPeriod*(int32)p->MfuncC1; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 Dshim = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(MPeriod>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) EvaRegs.CMPR1 = set_predel_dshim(Dshim,(int16)p->PeriodMin,(int16)MPeriod); // Compute the compare 2 (Q0) from the PWM 3&4 duty cycle ratio (Q15) Tmp = (int32)MPeriod*(int32)p->MfuncC2; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 Dshim = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(MPeriod>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) EvaRegs.CMPR2 = set_predel_dshim(Dshim,(int16)p->PeriodMin,(int16)MPeriod); // Compute the compare 3 (Q0) from the PWM 5&6 duty cycle ratio (Q15) Tmp = (int32)MPeriod*(int32)p->MfuncC3; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 Dshim = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(MPeriod>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) EvaRegs.CMPR3 = set_predel_dshim(Dshim,(int16)p->PeriodMin,(int16)MPeriod); // Compute the timer period (Q0) from the period modulation input (Q15) // Tmp = (int32)p->PeriodMax*(int32)p->MfuncPeriod; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 // MPeriod = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(p->PeriodMax>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) EvbRegs.T3PR = MPeriod; // Compute the compare 1 (Q0) from the PWM 1&2 duty cycle ratio (Q15) Tmp = (int32)MPeriod*(int32)p->MfuncC4; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 Dshim = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(MPeriod>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) EvbRegs.CMPR4 = set_predel_dshim(Dshim,(int16)p->PeriodMin,(int16)MPeriod); // Compute the compare 2 (Q0) from the PWM 3&4 duty cycle ratio (Q15) Tmp = (int32)MPeriod*(int32)p->MfuncC5; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 Dshim = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(MPeriod>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) EvbRegs.CMPR5 = set_predel_dshim(Dshim,(int16)p->PeriodMin,(int16)MPeriod); // Compute the compare 3 (Q0) from the PWM 5&6 duty cycle ratio (Q15) Tmp = (int32)MPeriod*(int32)p->MfuncC6; // Q15 = Q0*Q15 Dshim = (int16)(Tmp>>16) + (int16)(MPeriod>>1); // Q0 = (Q15->Q0)/2 + (Q0/2) EvbRegs.CMPR6 = set_predel_dshim(Dshim,(int16)p->PeriodMin,(int16)MPeriod); }