184 lines
8.4 KiB
184 lines
8.4 KiB
// TI File $Revision: /main/8 $
// Checkin $Date: June 2, 2008 11:12:24 $
// FILE: DSP2833x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd
// TITLE: DSP2833x Peripheral registers linker command file
// This file is for use in Non-BIOS applications.
// Linker command file to place the peripheral structures
// used within the DSP2833x headerfiles into the correct memory
// mapped locations.
// This version of the file includes the PieVectorTable structure.
// For BIOS applications, please use the DSP2833x_Headers_BIOS.cmd file
// which does not include the PieVectorTable structure.
// $TI Release: DSP2833x/DSP2823x Header Files V1.20 $
// $Release Date: August 1, 2008 $
PAGE 0: /* Program Memory */
PAGE 1: /* Data Memory */
DEV_EMU : origin = 0x000880, length = 0x000180 /* device emulation registers */
FLASH_REGS : origin = 0x000A80, length = 0x000060 /* FLASH registers */
CSM : origin = 0x000AE0, length = 0x000010 /* code security module registers */
ADC_MIRROR : origin = 0x000B00, length = 0x000010 /* ADC Results register mirror */
XINTF : origin = 0x000B20, length = 0x000020 /* external interface registers */
CPU_TIMER0 : origin = 0x000C00, length = 0x000008 /* CPU Timer0 registers */
CPU_TIMER1 : origin = 0x000C08, length = 0x000008 /* CPU Timer0 registers (CPU Timer1 & Timer2 reserved TI use)*/
CPU_TIMER2 : origin = 0x000C10, length = 0x000008 /* CPU Timer0 registers (CPU Timer1 & Timer2 reserved TI use)*/
PIE_CTRL : origin = 0x000CE0, length = 0x000020 /* PIE control registers */
PIE_VECT : origin = 0x000D00, length = 0x000100 /* PIE Vector Table */
DMA : origin = 0x001000, length = 0x000200 /* DMA registers */
MCBSPA : origin = 0x005000, length = 0x000040 /* McBSP-A registers */
MCBSPB : origin = 0x005040, length = 0x000040 /* McBSP-B registers */
ECANA : origin = 0x006000, length = 0x000040 /* eCAN-A control and status registers */
ECANA_LAM : origin = 0x006040, length = 0x000040 /* eCAN-A local acceptance masks */
ECANA_MOTS : origin = 0x006080, length = 0x000040 /* eCAN-A message object time stamps */
ECANA_MOTO : origin = 0x0060C0, length = 0x000040 /* eCAN-A object time-out registers */
ECANA_MBOX : origin = 0x006100, length = 0x000100 /* eCAN-A mailboxes */
ECANB : origin = 0x006200, length = 0x000040 /* eCAN-B control and status registers */
ECANB_LAM : origin = 0x006240, length = 0x000040 /* eCAN-B local acceptance masks */
ECANB_MOTS : origin = 0x006280, length = 0x000040 /* eCAN-B message object time stamps */
ECANB_MOTO : origin = 0x0062C0, length = 0x000040 /* eCAN-B object time-out registers */
ECANB_MBOX : origin = 0x006300, length = 0x000100 /* eCAN-B mailboxes */
EPWM1 : origin = 0x006800, length = 0x000022 /* Enhanced PWM 1 registers */
EPWM2 : origin = 0x006840, length = 0x000022 /* Enhanced PWM 2 registers */
EPWM3 : origin = 0x006880, length = 0x000022 /* Enhanced PWM 3 registers */
EPWM4 : origin = 0x0068C0, length = 0x000022 /* Enhanced PWM 4 registers */
EPWM5 : origin = 0x006900, length = 0x000022 /* Enhanced PWM 5 registers */
EPWM6 : origin = 0x006940, length = 0x000022 /* Enhanced PWM 6 registers */
ECAP1 : origin = 0x006A00, length = 0x000020 /* Enhanced Capture 1 registers */
ECAP2 : origin = 0x006A20, length = 0x000020 /* Enhanced Capture 2 registers */
ECAP3 : origin = 0x006A40, length = 0x000020 /* Enhanced Capture 3 registers */
ECAP4 : origin = 0x006A60, length = 0x000020 /* Enhanced Capture 4 registers */
ECAP5 : origin = 0x006A80, length = 0x000020 /* Enhanced Capture 5 registers */
ECAP6 : origin = 0x006AA0, length = 0x000020 /* Enhanced Capture 6 registers */
EQEP1 : origin = 0x006B00, length = 0x000040 /* Enhanced QEP 1 registers */
EQEP2 : origin = 0x006B40, length = 0x000040 /* Enhanced QEP 2 registers */
GPIOCTRL : origin = 0x006F80, length = 0x000040 /* GPIO control registers */
GPIODAT : origin = 0x006FC0, length = 0x000020 /* GPIO data registers */
GPIOINT : origin = 0x006FE0, length = 0x000020 /* GPIO interrupt/LPM registers */
SYSTEM : origin = 0x007010, length = 0x000020 /* System control registers */
SPIA : origin = 0x007040, length = 0x000010 /* SPI-A registers */
SCIA : origin = 0x007050, length = 0x000010 /* SCI-A registers */
XINTRUPT : origin = 0x007070, length = 0x000010 /* external interrupt registers */
ADC : origin = 0x007100, length = 0x000020 /* ADC registers */
SCIB : origin = 0x007750, length = 0x000010 /* SCI-B registers */
SCIC : origin = 0x007770, length = 0x000010 /* SCI-C registers */
I2CA : origin = 0x007900, length = 0x000040 /* I2C-A registers */
CSM_PWL : origin = 0x33FFF8, length = 0x000008 /* Part of FLASHA. CSM password locations. */
PARTID : origin = 0x380090, length = 0x000001 /* Part ID register location */
PieVectTableFile : > PIE_VECT, PAGE = 1
/*** Peripheral Frame 0 Register Structures ***/
DevEmuRegsFile : > DEV_EMU, PAGE = 1
FlashRegsFile : > FLASH_REGS, PAGE = 1
CsmRegsFile : > CSM, PAGE = 1
AdcMirrorFile : > ADC_MIRROR, PAGE = 1
XintfRegsFile : > XINTF, PAGE = 1
CpuTimer0RegsFile : > CPU_TIMER0, PAGE = 1
CpuTimer1RegsFile : > CPU_TIMER1, PAGE = 1
CpuTimer2RegsFile : > CPU_TIMER2, PAGE = 1
PieCtrlRegsFile : > PIE_CTRL, PAGE = 1
DmaRegsFile : > DMA, PAGE = 1
/*** Peripheral Frame 3 Register Structures ***/
McbspaRegsFile : > MCBSPA, PAGE = 1
McbspbRegsFile : > MCBSPB, PAGE = 1
/*** Peripheral Frame 1 Register Structures ***/
ECanaRegsFile : > ECANA, PAGE = 1
ECanaLAMRegsFile : > ECANA_LAM PAGE = 1
ECanaMboxesFile : > ECANA_MBOX PAGE = 1
ECanbRegsFile : > ECANB, PAGE = 1
ECanbLAMRegsFile : > ECANB_LAM PAGE = 1
ECanbMboxesFile : > ECANB_MBOX PAGE = 1
EPwm1RegsFile : > EPWM1 PAGE = 1
EPwm2RegsFile : > EPWM2 PAGE = 1
EPwm3RegsFile : > EPWM3 PAGE = 1
EPwm4RegsFile : > EPWM4 PAGE = 1
EPwm5RegsFile : > EPWM5 PAGE = 1
EPwm6RegsFile : > EPWM6 PAGE = 1
ECap1RegsFile : > ECAP1 PAGE = 1
ECap2RegsFile : > ECAP2 PAGE = 1
ECap3RegsFile : > ECAP3 PAGE = 1
ECap4RegsFile : > ECAP4 PAGE = 1
ECap5RegsFile : > ECAP5 PAGE = 1
ECap6RegsFile : > ECAP6 PAGE = 1
EQep1RegsFile : > EQEP1 PAGE = 1
EQep2RegsFile : > EQEP2 PAGE = 1
GpioCtrlRegsFile : > GPIOCTRL PAGE = 1
GpioDataRegsFile : > GPIODAT PAGE = 1
GpioIntRegsFile : > GPIOINT PAGE = 1
/*** Peripheral Frame 2 Register Structures ***/
SysCtrlRegsFile : > SYSTEM, PAGE = 1
SpiaRegsFile : > SPIA, PAGE = 1
SciaRegsFile : > SCIA, PAGE = 1
XIntruptRegsFile : > XINTRUPT, PAGE = 1
AdcRegsFile : > ADC, PAGE = 1
ScibRegsFile : > SCIB, PAGE = 1
ScicRegsFile : > SCIC, PAGE = 1
I2caRegsFile : > I2CA, PAGE = 1
/*** Code Security Module Register Structures ***/
CsmPwlFile : > CSM_PWL, PAGE = 1
/*** Device Part ID Register Structures ***/
PartIdRegsFile : > PARTID, PAGE = 1
// End of file.