296 lines
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296 lines
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// TI File $Revision: /main/11 $
// Checkin $Date: June 23, 2008 11:34:15 $
// FILE: DSP2833x_DMA.h
// TITLE: DSP2833x DMA Module Register Bit Definitions.
// $TI Release: DSP2833x/DSP2823x Header Files V1.20 $
// $Release Date: August 1, 2008 $
#ifndef DSP2833x_DMA_H
#define DSP2833x_DMA_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Channel MODE register bit definitions:
struct MODE_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 PERINTSEL:5; // 4:0 Peripheral Interrupt and Sync Select Bits (R/W):
// 0 no interrupt
// 2 SEQ2INT
// 3 XINT1
// 4 XINT2
// 5 XINT3
// 6 XINT4
// 7 XINT5
// 8 XINT6
// 9 XINT7
// 10 XINT13
// 11 TINT0
// 12 TINT1
// 13 TINT2
// 18 ePWM1SOCA
// 19 ePWM1SOCB
// 20 ePWM2SOCA
// 21 ePWM2SOCB
// 22 ePWM3SOCA
// 23 ePWM3SOCB
// 24 ePWM4SOCA
// 25 ePWM4SOCB
// 26 ePWM5SOCA
// 27 ePWM5SOCB
// 28 ePWM6SOCA
// 29 ePWM6SOCB
// 30:31 no interrupt
Uint16 rsvd1:2; // 6:5 (R=0:0)
Uint16 OVRINTE:1; // 7 Overflow Interrupt Enable (R/W):
// 0 overflow interrupt disabled
// 1 overflow interrupt enabled
Uint16 PERINTE:1; // 8 Peripheral Interrupt Enable Bit (R/W):
// 0 peripheral interrupt disabled
// 1 peripheral interrupt enabled
Uint16 CHINTMODE:1; // 9 Channel Interrupt Mode Bit (R/W):
// 0 generate interrupt at beginning of new transfer
// 1 generate interrupt at end of transfer
Uint16 ONESHOT:1; // 10 One Shot Mode Bit (R/W):
// 0 only interrupt event triggers single burst transfer
// 1 first interrupt triggers burst, continue until transfer count is zero
Uint16 CONTINUOUS:1; // 11 Continous Mode Bit (R/W):
// 0 stop when transfer count is zero
// 1 re-initialize when transfer count is zero
Uint16 SYNCE:1; // 12 Sync Enable Bit (R/W):
// 0 ignore selected interrupt sync signal
// 1 enable selected interrupt sync signal
Uint16 SYNCSEL:1; // 13 Sync Select Bit (R/W):
// 0 sync signal controls source wrap counter
// 1 sync signal controls destination wrap counter
Uint16 DATASIZE:1; // 14 Data Size Mode Bit (R/W):
// 0 16-bit data transfer size
// 1 32-bit data transfer size
Uint16 CHINTE:1; // 15 Channel Interrupt Enable Bit (R/W):
// 0 channel interrupt disabled
// 1 channel interrupt enabled
union MODE_REG {
Uint16 all;
struct MODE_BITS bit;
// Channel CONTROL register bit definitions:
struct CONTROL_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 RUN:1; // 0 Run Bit (R=0/W=1)
Uint16 HALT:1; // 1 Halt Bit (R=0/W=1)
Uint16 SOFTRESET:1; // 2 Soft Reset Bit (R=0/W=1)
Uint16 PERINTFRC:1; // 3 Interrupt Force Bit (R=0/W=1)
Uint16 PERINTCLR:1; // 4 Interrupt Clear Bit (R=0/W=1)
Uint16 SYNCFRC:1; // 5 Sync Force Bit (R=0/W=1)
Uint16 SYNCCLR:1; // 6 Sync Clear Bit (R=0/W=1)
Uint16 ERRCLR:1; // 7 Error Clear Bit (R=0/W=1)
Uint16 PERINTFLG:1; // 8 Interrupt Flag Bit (R):
// 0 no interrupt pending
// 1 interrupt pending
Uint16 SYNCFLG:1; // 9 Sync Flag Bit (R):
// 0 no sync pending
// 1 sync pending
Uint16 SYNCERR:1; // 10 Sync Error Flag Bit (R):
// 0 no sync error
// 1 sync error detected
Uint16 TRANSFERSTS:1; // 11 Transfer Status Bit (R):
// 0 no transfer in progress or pending
// 1 transfer in progress or pending
Uint16 BURSTSTS:1; // 12 Burst Status Bit (R):
// 0 no burst in progress or pending
// 1 burst in progress or pending
Uint16 RUNSTS:1; // 13 Run Status Bit (R):
// 0 channel not running or halted
// 1 channel running
Uint16 OVRFLG:1; // 14 Overflow Flag Bit(R)
// 0 no overflow event
// 1 overflow event
Uint16 rsvd1:1; // 15 (R=0)
Uint16 all;
struct CONTROL_BITS bit;
// DMACTRL register bit definitions:
struct DMACTRL_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 HARDRESET:1; // 0 Hard Reset Bit (R=0/W=1)
Uint16 PRIORITYRESET:1; // 1 Priority Reset Bit (R=0/W=1)
Uint16 rsvd1:14; // 15:2 (R=0:0)
Uint16 all;
struct DMACTRL_BITS bit;
// DEBUGCTRL register bit definitions:
struct DEBUGCTRL_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 rsvd1:15; // 14:0 (R=0:0)
Uint16 FREE:1; // 15 Debug Mode Bit (R/W):
// 0 halt after current read-write operation
// 1 continue running
Uint16 all;
struct DEBUGCTRL_BITS bit;
// PRIORITYCTRL1 register bit definitions:
struct PRIORITYCTRL1_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 CH1PRIORITY:1; // 0 Ch1 Priority Bit (R/W):
// 0 same priority as all other channels
// 1 highest priority channel
Uint16 rsvd1:15; // 15:1 (R=0:0)
Uint16 all;
// PRIORITYSTAT register bit definitions:
struct PRIORITYSTAT_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 ACTIVESTS:3; // 2:0 Active Channel Status Bits (R):
// 0,0,0 no channel active
// 0,0,1 Ch1 channel active
// 0,1,0 Ch2 channel active
// 0,1,1 Ch3 channel active
// 1,0,0 Ch4 channel active
// 1,0,1 Ch5 channel active
// 1,1,0 Ch6 channel active
Uint16 rsvd1:1; // 3 (R=0)
Uint16 ACTIVESTS_SHADOW:3; // 6:4 Active Channel Status Shadow Bits (R):
// 0,0,0 no channel active and interrupted by Ch1
// 0,0,1 cannot occur
// 0,1,0 Ch2 was active and interrupted by Ch1
// 0,1,1 Ch3 was active and interrupted by Ch1
// 1,0,0 Ch4 was active and interrupted by Ch1
// 1,0,1 Ch5 was active and interrupted by Ch1
// 1,1,0 Ch6 was active and interrupted by Ch1
Uint16 rsvd2:9; // 15:7 (R=0:0)
Uint16 all;
// Burst Size
struct BURST_SIZE_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 BURSTSIZE:5; // 4:0 Burst transfer size
Uint16 rsvd1:11; // 15:5 reserved
Uint16 all;
struct BURST_SIZE_BITS bit;
// Burst Count
struct BURST_COUNT_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 BURSTCOUNT:5; // 4:0 Burst transfer size
Uint16 rsvd1:11; // 15:5 reserved
Uint16 all;
struct BURST_COUNT_BITS bit;
// DMA Channel Registers:
struct CH_REGS {
union MODE_REG MODE; // Mode Register
union CONTROL_REG CONTROL; // Control Register
union BURST_SIZE_REG BURST_SIZE; // Burst Size Register
union BURST_COUNT_REG BURST_COUNT; // Burst Count Register
int16 SRC_BURST_STEP; // Source Burst Step Register
int16 DST_BURST_STEP; // Destination Burst Step Register
Uint16 TRANSFER_SIZE; // Transfer Size Register
Uint16 TRANSFER_COUNT; // Transfer Count Register
int16 SRC_TRANSFER_STEP; // Source Transfer Step Register
int16 DST_TRANSFER_STEP; // Destination Transfer Step Register
Uint16 SRC_WRAP_SIZE; // Source Wrap Size Register
Uint16 SRC_WRAP_COUNT; // Source Wrap Count Register
int16 SRC_WRAP_STEP; // Source Wrap Step Register
Uint16 DST_WRAP_SIZE; // Destination Wrap Size Register
Uint16 DST_WRAP_COUNT; // Destination Wrap Count Register
int16 DST_WRAP_STEP; // Destination Wrap Step Register
Uint32 SRC_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW; // Source Begin Address Shadow Register
Uint32 SRC_ADDR_SHADOW; // Source Address Shadow Register
Uint32 SRC_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE; // Source Begin Address Active Register
Uint32 SRC_ADDR_ACTIVE; // Source Address Active Register
Uint32 DST_BEG_ADDR_SHADOW; // Destination Begin Address Shadow Register
Uint32 DST_ADDR_SHADOW; // Destination Address Shadow Register
Uint32 DST_BEG_ADDR_ACTIVE; // Destination Begin Address Active Register
Uint32 DST_ADDR_ACTIVE; // Destination Address Active Register
// DMA Registers:
struct DMA_REGS {
union DMACTRL_REG DMACTRL; // DMA Control Register
union DEBUGCTRL_REG DEBUGCTRL; // Debug Control Register
Uint16 rsvd0; // reserved
Uint16 rsvd1; //
union PRIORITYCTRL1_REG PRIORITYCTRL1; // Priority Control 1 Register
Uint16 rsvd2; //
union PRIORITYSTAT_REG PRIORITYSTAT; // Priority Status Register
Uint16 rsvd3[25]; //
struct CH_REGS CH1; // DMA Channel 1 Registers
struct CH_REGS CH2; // DMA Channel 2 Registers
struct CH_REGS CH3; // DMA Channel 3 Registers
struct CH_REGS CH4; // DMA Channel 4 Registers
struct CH_REGS CH5; // DMA Channel 5 Registers
struct CH_REGS CH6; // DMA Channel 6 Registers
// External References & Function Declarations:
extern volatile struct DMA_REGS DmaRegs;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* extern "C" */
#endif // end of DSP2833x_DMA_H definition
// End of file.