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// TI File $Revision: /main/1 $
// Checkin $Date: August 18, 2006 13:52:13 $
// FILE: DSP2833x_EQep.h
// TITLE: DSP2833x Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse Module
// Register Bit Definitions.
// $TI Release: DSP2833x/DSP2823x Header Files V1.20 $
// $Release Date: August 1, 2008 $
#ifndef DSP2833x_EQEP_H
#define DSP2833x_EQEP_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Capture decoder control register bit definitions */
struct QDECCTL_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 rsvd1:5; // 4:0 reserved
Uint16 QSP:1; // 5 QEPS input polarity
Uint16 QIP:1; // 6 QEPI input polarity
Uint16 QBP:1; // 7 QEPB input polarity
Uint16 QAP:1; // 8 QEPA input polarity
Uint16 IGATE:1; // 9 Index pulse gating option
Uint16 SWAP:1; // 10 CLK/DIR signal source for Position Counter
Uint16 XCR:1; // 11 External clock rate
Uint16 SPSEL:1; // 12 Sync output pin select
Uint16 SOEN:1; // 13 Enable position compare sync
Uint16 QSRC:2; // 15:14 Position counter source
Uint16 all;
struct QDECCTL_BITS bit;
// QEP control register bit definitions */
struct QEPCTL_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 WDE:1; // 0 QEP watchdog enable
Uint16 UTE:1; // 1 QEP unit timer enable
Uint16 QCLM:1; // 2 QEP capture latch mode
Uint16 QPEN:1; // 3 Quadrature position counter enable
Uint16 IEL:2; // 5:4 Index event latch
Uint16 SEL:1; // 6 Strobe event latch
Uint16 SWI:1; // 7 Software init position counter
Uint16 IEI:2; // 9:8 Index event init of position count
Uint16 SEI:2; // 11:10 Strobe event init
Uint16 PCRM:2; // 13:12 Position counter reset
Uint16 FREE_SOFT:2; // 15:14 Emulation mode
union QEPCTL_REG {
Uint16 all;
struct QEPCTL_BITS bit;
// Quadrature capture control register bit definitions */
struct QCAPCTL_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 UPPS:4; // 3:0 Unit position pre-scale
Uint16 CCPS:3; // 6:4 QEP capture timer pre-scale
Uint16 rsvd1:8; // 14:7 reserved
Uint16 CEN:1; // 15 Enable QEP capture
Uint16 all;
struct QCAPCTL_BITS bit;
// Position compare control register bit definitions */
struct QPOSCTL_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 PCSPW:12; // 11:0 Position compare sync pulse width
Uint16 PCE:1; // 12 Position compare enable/disable
Uint16 PCPOL:1; // 13 Polarity of sync output
Uint16 PCLOAD:1; // 14 Position compare of shadow load
Uint16 PCSHDW:1; // 15 Position compare shadow enable
Uint16 all;
struct QPOSCTL_BITS bit;
// QEP interrupt control register bit definitions */
struct QEINT_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 rsvd1:1; // 0 reserved
Uint16 PCE:1; // 1 Position counter error
Uint16 QPE:1; // 2 Quadrature phase error
Uint16 QDC:1; // 3 Quadrature dir change
Uint16 WTO:1; // 4 Watchdog timeout
Uint16 PCU:1; // 5 Position counter underflow
Uint16 PCO:1; // 6 Position counter overflow
Uint16 PCR:1; // 7 Position compare ready
Uint16 PCM:1; // 8 Position compare match
Uint16 SEL:1; // 9 Strobe event latch
Uint16 IEL:1; // 10 Event latch
Uint16 UTO:1; // 11 Unit timeout
Uint16 rsvd2:4; // 15:12 reserved
union QEINT_REG {
Uint16 all;
struct QEINT_BITS bit;
// QEP interrupt status register bit definitions */
struct QFLG_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 INT:1; // 0 Global interrupt
Uint16 PCE:1; // 1 Position counter error
Uint16 PHE:1; // 2 Quadrature phase error
Uint16 QDC:1; // 3 Quadrature dir change
Uint16 WTO:1; // 4 Watchdog timeout
Uint16 PCU:1; // 5 Position counter underflow
Uint16 PCO:1; // 6 Position counter overflow
Uint16 PCR:1; // 7 Position compare ready
Uint16 PCM:1; // 8 Position compare match
Uint16 SEL:1; // 9 Strobe event latch
Uint16 IEL:1; // 10 Event latch
Uint16 UTO:1; // 11 Unit timeout
Uint16 rsvd2:4; // 15:12 reserved
union QFLG_REG {
Uint16 all;
struct QFLG_BITS bit;
// QEP interrupt force register bit definitions */
struct QFRC_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 reserved:1; // 0 Reserved
Uint16 PCE:1; // 1 Position counter error
Uint16 PHE:1; // 2 Quadrature phase error
Uint16 QDC:1; // 3 Quadrature dir change
Uint16 WTO:1; // 4 Watchdog timeout
Uint16 PCU:1; // 5 Position counter underflow
Uint16 PCO:1; // 6 Position counter overflow
Uint16 PCR:1; // 7 Position compare ready
Uint16 PCM:1; // 8 Position compare match
Uint16 SEL:1; // 9 Strobe event latch
Uint16 IEL:1; // 10 Event latch
Uint16 UTO:1; // 11 Unit timeout
Uint16 rsvd2:4; // 15:12 reserved
union QFRC_REG {
Uint16 all;
struct QFRC_BITS bit;
// V1.1 Added UPEVNT (bit 7) This reflects changes
// made as of F2833x Rev A devices
// QEP status register bit definitions */
struct QEPSTS_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 PCEF:1; // 0 Position counter error
Uint16 FIMF:1; // 1 First index marker
Uint16 CDEF:1; // 2 Capture direction error
Uint16 COEF:1; // 3 Capture overflow error
Uint16 QDLF:1; // 4 QEP direction latch
Uint16 QDF:1; // 5 Quadrature direction
Uint16 FIDF:1; // 6 Direction on first index marker
Uint16 UPEVNT:1; // 7 Unit position event flag
Uint16 rsvd1:8; // 15:8 reserved
union QEPSTS_REG {
Uint16 all;
struct QEPSTS_BITS bit;
struct EQEP_REGS {
Uint32 QPOSCNT; // Position counter
Uint32 QPOSINIT; // Position counter init
Uint32 QPOSMAX; // Maximum position count
Uint32 QPOSCMP; // Position compare
Uint32 QPOSILAT; // Index position latch
Uint32 QPOSSLAT; // Strobe position latch
Uint32 QPOSLAT; // Position latch
Uint32 QUTMR; // Unit timer
Uint32 QUPRD; // Unit period
Uint16 QWDTMR; // QEP watchdog timer
Uint16 QWDPRD; // QEP watchdog period
union QDECCTL_REG QDECCTL; // Quadrature decoder control
union QEPCTL_REG QEPCTL; // QEP control
union QCAPCTL_REG QCAPCTL; // Quadrature capture control
union QPOSCTL_REG QPOSCTL; // Position compare control
union QEINT_REG QEINT; // QEP interrupt control
union QFLG_REG QFLG; // QEP interrupt flag
union QFLG_REG QCLR; // QEP interrupt clear
union QFRC_REG QFRC; // QEP interrupt force
union QEPSTS_REG QEPSTS; // QEP status
Uint16 QCTMR; // QEP capture timer
Uint16 QCPRD; // QEP capture period
Uint16 QCTMRLAT; // QEP capture latch
Uint16 QCPRDLAT; // QEP capture period latch
Uint16 rsvd1[30]; // reserved
// GPI/O External References & Function Declarations:
extern volatile struct EQEP_REGS EQep1Regs;
extern volatile struct EQEP_REGS EQep2Regs;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* extern "C" */
#endif // end of DSP2833x_EQEP_H definition
// End of file.